Koh Totang is the closest of our neighbour islands. If you want to visit the seahorses, this is where they hang out.
For the untrained eye this might look like a boring dive site. The average depth is 2-6 meters, with fine sandy bottom, micro algae and seaweed. But you will be amazed about what the sand can hide when you tune your eyes to macro mode. Tiny tiny octopuses hiding in shells, the strange poisonous flower urchins and lots of juveniles hiding out. On the east tip there is a little wooden wreck where huge schools of fish, big groupers and trevallys have found their home. A small shallow reef goes along the island and the bottom is scattered with shrimp gobies. And there is also a pretty good chance of seeing bluespotted stingrays and cuttle fish hiding in the shallows and Lionfish hunting on the reef. A good muck diving site for every level of divers
Departure: 8 am
Return: around 13 pm
Meals included: lunch, snack and soft drinks
Minimum number of divers: 1
Maximum number of divers: 8
Price: $85 for 2 local dives, $25 for snorkelers
Things of interest:
Seahorses, cuttlefish, bluespotted stingrays, lionfish and a small wooden wreck
Diving depths: 2 – 6 meter
The site is suitable for beginners as well as the experienced diver, with an interest for seahorses and muckdiving
Can be reached on our two tank local diving trips.
Departure on demand. Minimum number of paying divers for departure: 1